Our Future Outlook
LTPSS seeks to create a learning environment where students work together in harmonious cooperation with each other and with the teachers to enhance teaching and learning effectiveness. The school’s emphasis on holistic education is realized through a comprehensive curriculum that equips our students with skills that will allow them to succeed anywhere in the world. Such skills entail teaching students to think critically, to solve problems, to present ideas to others in clear and logical language, to be able to access knowledge and information quickly, easily and skillfully, and to work with others in a caring, empathetic and equitable environment that they themselves construct through sensitive awareness of the needs of others.
The school recognizes its mission to teach students to look beyond the horizons and have a global outlook so that they have a choice in life: a choice that will enable them to apply their skills and knowledge wherever they go. Here at LTPSS, we are constantly reviewing both the curriculum and pedagogy to prepare students for the complex world they will inherit.

Law Ting Pong Secondary School (LTPSS) was founded by the Law’s Foundation Limited in 1991 as a co-educational school using English as the medium of instruction. Since establishment in 1991, LTPSS has actively worked towards her aims of nurturing the students to be stars in society. The school successfully gained support and recognition from parents and the number of pupils entering tertiary education grew.
In order to further pursue its educational ideals, LTPSS started operating in the Direct Subsidy Scheme (DSS) mode from academic year 2008/2009.
The more sincere we are is in investigating things the more clearly we comprehend.
‘Mencius’ tells us, “Righteousness is the proper way of life.”
Contemplation leads to understanding the ways of the world and the laws of nature.
Practice consolidates our theoretical understanding. It transforms our contemplation into action.
Ethos: Sincerity is a force whereas righteousness is a direction. Creativity is the result of contemplation and practice.
All for Our Children
Every Student a STAR
Every Teacher a MENTOR
Every Staff Member a MODEL
Our school aims to bring out the best in our students along the moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic domains so that they can develop into informed and responsible citizens.